URGENT MESSAGE: For ALL Corporate Jobholders Who Are Afraid Of Their Career Security During the Next Economic Crisis In Singapore… But Have NO Idea How To Solve The Problem!
Find Out Why 2017 MUST Be YOUR GOLDEN YEAR To Tap Into The Powerful Art of Value Investing To Unlock Your Very Own Independent, Secondary Income Stream… And Preserve, Protect and Even SNOWBALL Your WEALTH, REGARDLESS Of The Current Economic Climate!
Now, you’re probably wondering:

“Why makes 2017 so potentially special to be an investor?”

Well, there’s a reason. A specific reason. One that has the possibility to bring about a HUGE breakthrough in the local market for investors… If they know how to go about it.

That’s what I’ll be sharing with you now. And it’s going to be exciting. Epic. Ground-breaking. It’ll rock your socks off, I promise!

So sit tight, buckle up, and get ready. Because in the next 5-10 minutes, you’ll find out just why you could be right smack in the middle of a GOLDEN PERIOD for MASSIVE PASSIVE INCOME…

(Or if you prefer to hear me out in person, register for your FREE Value Investing 

FREE 3-Hour Masterclass To Learn My Systematic Value Investing Strategy!) 
By Sean Seah,

Founder, Director, 
Master Trainer of Value Investing College

To my fellow countrymen and countrywomen,

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

My name is Sean, and I’m the founder of Value Investing College, Singapore’s ONLY results-driven Value Investing Training School.

You may recognise me if you were one of the 3000 people who attended last year’s National Achievers Congress; I was the speaker who shared Value Investing strategies used by Warren Buffett!
Or you may have seen my name on these book covers: “Winning The Money Game”, “Gone Fishing With Buffett”, and “Financial Joy”, all of which have been recognised by local and international business leaders, including investor, author and Value Investing advocate Mary Buffett!
I’ve also been featured extensively on local and global media platforms, such as: The Sunday Times, Investor's Digest, The Business Times, The New Straits Times & News 93.8 FM Moneywise, Millionaire Asia, The Edge.
That may be a lot to take in. But long story short:

I’ve spent the past decade identifying, practising and PERFECTING the art of creating a firm, rock-solid secondary income stream. Both for myself, and the people I can impact around me!

In fact, that’s EXACTLY why I started Value Investing College. Our mission is simple:
We want to financially impact as many lives as possible. 

Empower them to stop worrying about money. Help them get out of their rat race. Give them a new lease of life, as financially free winners!

Which brings me to my next point:

Why is there such a huge demand for this in the first place? Why is there such a severe, desperate plea for financial salvation?

It all boils down to two simple reasons:
REASON #1: Your job can NO LONGER support your financial needs!
This isn’t news. It’s nothing we haven’t discussed before.

Everything is rising in cost. The cost of living in Singapore is going up, up, up. Food. Transport. Housing. Bills.

Only thing that isn’t going up? Your salary.

That’s why relying on your job alone can barely cut it. And in fact, a sizeable amount of us have problems even getting by from month to month… Despite having a full-time job!

But you may be thinking:

“Well, at least it’s something, isn’t it?” True, it may not be much, but at least you’re guaranteed a secure income every month. It’s a small but steady “iron rice bowl”, right?

Nope. Sorry to burst your bubble. Because:

REASON #2: Your job is NO LONGER as secure as it used to be!
The iron rice bowl has crumbled. Fallen apart. Like fragile glass.

Jobs you once thought were unshakeable, immovable, infallible? Not true anymore.

Last year, unemployment was between 3 to 4 per cent. Think about it for a moment. That means 1 in every 33 people don’t have a job. And to add to that, layoff rates reached a level we haven’t seen since the 2009 global financial crisis.

In other words: 

More and more people are getting laid off, while less people are able to get hired.

Let me break it down even more simply:
Have a job now? Don’t be too happy. It’s too early to celebrate.
Don’t have a job now? Yikes. The going’s going to get tough, so good luck. You’ll need it.

Ouch… I know. It’s painful to hear all of that. The situation is bleak. Pessimistic. Possibly even hopeless. 

But I’m not here to sugar coat the truth. I want to tell it as it is. Because painting an unrealistic picture will be doing you, the reader, a huge disservice. 

You deserve more. You deserve better. In the very least, you deserve the TRUTH.

So here it is. Here’s the truth. Cold, hard, and simple:

To survive and thrive in today’s volatile economic climate, you NEED a secondary income stream!
The key word here is “NEED”. It’s no longer a want. Or a nice-to-have.

You need it. I need it. We all need it.

It’s a necessity now. Without an additional income stream, there’s a very real chance your finances might just crumble under you without any notice.

Think about it for a second here. If the majority of Singaporeans are barely scraping by from day to day, month to month…

What if something happens?

It could be anything. An accident. A medical emergency. Unforeseen circumstances. Any occasion where additional unplanned costs come up.

What happens then? What I know is that for most of us, there’s no way our basic salary can handle that sort of “surprise”. That’s for sure.

Hence the NEED for this.

If what I’ve just mentioned makes sense to you, and you DON’T WANT TO WAIT any longer to take action… You can do so right now!

Register for my FREE  Systematic Value Investing Strategy Masterclass by clicking on the button below, where I’ll be sharing exactly how you can go about creating your finances-securing secondary passive income! 

Ok, I’ve painted the scenario. It’s a bleak world out there. You know that you HAVE to be ready. Ready to defend yourself against any financial perils down the road.

But every cloud has a silver lining! It’s not all bad.

So now, allow me to reveal your very own silver lining:
2017 could potentially be a MASSIVELY PROFITABLE year to invest!"
Remember when I made that claim earlier? When I said that 2017 could be a HUGE year for investors?

But why?

Do you remember when the previous global financial crisis happened?

That’s right. 2007-2008. Exactly 10 years ago. Everything basically went to hell for the US stock market… Or so it seems.

But there was actually a group of investors who profited MASSIVELY from this stock market downturn!

Now, how did they do that exactly? I’ll explain in my workshop… But let’s move even further back for now.

Let’s go back 10 years again. That would be 1997.

What happened then? 

Oh right, the Asian financial crisis. I’m sure a lot of us remember that more intimately. 

Ok, let’s try this one more time. 10 years back into the future…
1987. Black Monday. Where stock markets around the world came crashing down one after another… 

Starting to see a pattern here?

Every ten years, global stock markets sort of go through a “restructuring”. Something major will occur that will violently shake it up, sending stock values around the world down…

This may be disastrous in economic terms. But whenever one party loses money big time… 

Someone else stands to gain. Big time.

So, back to the present.

2017. Exactly 10 years after the US financial crisis of ’07-’08.
My friend, we are entering a very dramatic period for the world. Something’s going to happen. 

Something big.

And I can guarantee you this: It WILL affect you. That’s for sure.

But the question is:

HOW will you face this?

Will you raise your arms, surrender and let its effects crush you? Or do you want to be among those who succeed in securing massive financial gains during this period?

Because if the latter appeals to you… I’ve got something exciting for you.

An “ultimate weapon” I’ve personally crafted JUST to prepare for this!

Allow me to introduce:


That stands for:


That’s what I used to create a safe, secure, and highly profitable additional income stream for myself!

Now, at this point I’m sure you have a few questions about VIOS. Naturally, you would.

And while it’ll take up WAY too much space for me to explain the whole thing here, I want to give you a clear idea of what it’s about.

Let me break it down into two simple parts:

For those who are coming across this term for the first time, Value Investing basically means investing in undervalued stocks. 

Stocks that have gone below their perceived value, and has potential to rise further and provide a healthy return on investment!

In other words: Buy an under-priced stock, wait for it to appreciate, and make your profit!
Options are basically contracts. It gives the buyer the right to buy/sell assets at a fixed price and date… But doesn’t force the buyer to act on his/her decision. Note, we are talking about legal options investments on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in the United States. This has nothing to do with binary options or other shady trading schemes!

Why do we invest in options? Simply put, by utilising the mechanics of options investing, you can generate cash on a consistent, almost clockwork-like basis!

VIOS is a combination of BOTH. It combines two powerful factors:

The long-term wealth growing capabilities of Value Investing with the fast cashflow generating potential of Options!

Most investors you speak to out there will vouch for either one. And both has its different benefits.

Which is why I dedicated time towards finding a way to combine both together!

In short: This allows me to generate consistent revenue every single month, while simultaneously investing in a wide variety of stocks that allow me to MAXIMISE my profits and MINIMISE my losses!

Now that’s what I call a win-win deal!

At this point, this may all sound very “cheem” to you right now. That’s ok!

You don’t need to understand it inside out yet. Because that’s MY job: to explain to you in person, where I can do so more clearly!

At my 3-hour My Systematic Value Investing Strategy (completely free of charge by the way), you’ll get the inside story on how I managed to achieve my own financial freedom… Through the crafting, moulding and perfecting of the VIOS!

"... Sean Seah is an expert in teaching the methods of Warren Buffett.."
Mary Buffett
International Best-selling Author of the Buffetology Series
Former daughter-in-law of Warren Buffett
Here’s a sneak peek into what’s in store when you come down:

I’ve seen so many new investors skip this step… But one thing’s for certain: This crucial first step will either MAKE or BREAK your potential for success as an investor. Miss this step, and you put your life as an investor at jeopardy. But do this… And you’ve just gained yourself a MASSIVE head-start!

Many other investment coaches and “gurus” out there will give you vague hints into their “secret techniques” for this. But vague doesn’t cut it for me. I’ll go one step further by giving you a “behind-the-scenes” look into how I PERSONALLY pick undervalued stocks… That have all given me at least 20% ROI year after year consistently!

It’s not difficult to model certain behaviours, habits and actions taken by some of the most prolific investors in the world… But that won’t be enough. I’ll share the ONE most important “modelling secret” that will set you aside from the rest of the “wannabe copycat” amateurs out there!

Seriously, this neat little trick is just about the MOST POWERFUL method to create an increasingly compounding portfolio as a second source of income… And I almost NEVER hear about it at all! But fear not: this will be covered extensively during this workshop!

Almost every investing coach out there will help you create a financial freedom plan. This is nothing new. But the hidden, ugly truth is that most of them only sound good in theory. I’ll show you how to properly craft a plan you can activate and utilise in REAL LIFE!

From day-to-today money related skills and techniques, to more complex investment concepts (such as the “Margin of Safety”, which is an ABSOLUTELY crucial must-know), I’ll be throwing in tons of valuable bonus tips and tricks throughout the workshop that are way too many to list down in detail here!

"My family now enjoys a
4-Figure passive income to safeguard our financial future."

"With VIOS™ and Stock investing, my family now enjoys a 4 figure passive income to safeguard our financial future. Definitely attainable if you take action. "
Pebs Lee
Electrical and Software Engineer

"I have achieved an annual 6 figure return..."
"Through careful investment in shares, I have achieved an annual 6 figure return! Yes, it is possible. This amount has opened up so many possibilities in my life. And I am very thankful for my learning journey."
Ken Teng

“...I have earned more than $90,000 through Value Investing...”

"Over these few years I have earned more than $90,000... 
Because of VIC, I am able to provide the best of everything for both of my kids. From the bottom of my heart, a big big thank you.
You all have helped so many graduates to understand the true value of "Value Investing"
- Manson See, Operations Executive
“...My returns are about USD $3000- 4000 a month...”
"I’m only 22 years old and consistently over the last 4 years, I have achieved a double digit returns on my investments.
My returns are about USD $3000- 4000 a month. Every single year it has been growing.
Because of Value Investing and my profits, I managed to buy properties..."
- Reshveen Rajendran, Entrepreneur and Investor
“We have been able to on average generate almost a 5-Figure sum a month over the last 3 years...”

"In 2011 I had a medical condition. And basicall, I had to quit my job and I was looking for an alternate stream of income while I was recuperating at home.

Sean invited me to attend his Value Investing Class. So at that point of time I didn’t know much about Value Investing. And to be honest I was a bit intimidated because I have no financial background.

But having attended the class it really struck a huge interest in me And Sean basically managed to make the entire session very understandable for somebody with no financial background like me.

Results over the last 3 years have been very encouraging for myself and my family. We have been able to on average generate almost a 5-figure sum a month over the last 3 years. 

The money I able to generate through value investing basically exceeds my family’s monthly expenses… so it more than covers that so basically it is financial freedom so with that I am able to spend more time with my family and to retire..."
- Kelvin Lai, Stay-At-Home Dad
Still reading? Great! Because I’ve got a little something extra to make this awesome deal… Awesome-r!

Remember earlier when I first introduced myself to you? I mentioned that I’ve authored 3 bestselling books.

Well… Guess what?

You’ll be getting one of my books, “Financial Joy”, in e-book format for FREE! This book is currently going for $25 in local bookstores.

Sounds good? Great! But the thing is… I’m in the mood to give more! So while we’re at it…

You’ll be getting ONE MORE BOOK, “Gone Fishing With Buffett”, again in e-book for FREE! This book is also retailing for $25 in bookstores, and it contains a personal foreword by none other than Mary Buffett herself!

So right here, there’s $50 in value for you! It’s yours to take, on top of everything else I’ll be sharing!

I guess this should be more than convincing enough for you to register on the spot…

But let’s take things ONE MORE STEP FURTHER.

If you sign up now, I’ll throw in my FINAL reward for you:

You’ll receive one more book, “The Secrets Of Value Investors”, in HARDCOPY at the door! We haven’t released this in bookstores yet… So you’ll be getting exclusive access to all the valuable insights contained within!

As the name suggests, this book covers in extensive detail some of the best-kept secrets by top-notch value investors around the world.

And such high-level secrets shouldn’t be shared around carelessly. That’s why I’m only making this available to those who show up.

Because this is the 6th year we are launching off our “Systematic Value Invesing” series, we decided to “upgrade” the content of the workshop to make it even more practical and relevant for your investment strategies.

So once again, let me sum it all up. When you register now, here are my three super-awesome bonuses for you:
BONUS #1 Digital Book of  "Financial Joy"

You will also receive one of my bestselling books "Financial Joy" in eBook format when you attend my workshop. This book is being retailed at local major bookstores for $25, but you get to receive a complimentary copy when you attend my workshop.
BONUS #2 Digital Book of  "Gone Fishing with Buffett"

You will receive not one but TWO of my bestselling books! A must-read for anyone serious about earning money on the share markets . 

Change your mindset and approach to investing forever. Retailing at S$29 at major bookstores, now FREE exclusively for you. This book contains a special foreword by Mary Buffett herself. 
BONUS #3 Physical Book of  "Secrets of Value Investors" 

EXPOSED: 30 successful investors share their secrets behind profitable investing with you

LAID BARE: Personal experiences of share investors around the world

Uncover the power of investing and how it can impact your life

“The Secrets Of Value investors”, in HARDCOPY for FREE! (Currently this is the ONLY way you can get your hands on this!)
BONUS #4 Top Secret Insider  Stocks Case Studies 

Get behind-the-scenes to find out how top stocks are being picked

REVEALED: How to identify and assess high potential stocks within 5 minutes

BONUS: Get up close and personal with trainer as he shares 3 stock case studies
You stand to get all this value FOR FREE… And this is just the bonus part!

It’s not even the jewel in the crown… But I’d daresay it’s already worth your time and commitment to come down for this workshop!

However, there’s a small catch.

You see, as of now we’re able to take in about 8-10 more people for our workshop. Seats have been filling up fast, as word of the 2017 investing opportunity continues to spread.

So here’s the thing: I hope you’ll act fast, so that you can secure your seat before it runs out!

Ok, so it seems like I’m giving away free stuff like some sort of Value Investing Santa Claus… And some of you may be wondering:

“Why is Sean doing this?” “Why is he giving away his books for free when they’re available for sale?”
Simple. This is my way of acknowledging you. Acknowledging those who take action for their financial futures by registering for this free workshop.

It may not make sense for me, from a revenue point of view. But the way I see it?

This is MY investment in YOU!

Just as you have committed yourself to attending this workshop, I have also committed myself to making it worth your time. Worth your while.

After all, time is one thing we cannot grow. We have ONE shot to spend it wisely.

So let’s not waste any more time. Take action right now by clicking below to secure your seat at the workshop!
What I’ll be sharing at my workshop are super-effective investment tools that will save your financial future…

ESPECIALLY in the midst of this current economic turmoil. Where nothing in certain. No job is safe. Where the “iron rice bowl” is dissolving… Falling apart like sand…

And for the majority of you reading this, retrenchment/job replacement/job redundancy is a matter of time. It’s not “if”, but “when”.

Once again, I’m not trying to scare you. But I’m not going to pretend things are okay in the corporate world. Because they’re not.

And I’m sure you feel it too. The slow but eventual sense of dread building… As you look around and start to see your friends and peers getting let go, one after another…

“When will it be my turn?”

Nobody knows the answer for sure. But it’s important that when it happens, you’re prepared. Ready. Armed with the knowledge, skills and know-how to secure your finances!

The way I see it, you can do either one of two things:
Number 1: Do nothing and hope for the best.
It’s not necessarily wrong to do that. Maybe your job is fine as it is!

But that’s a huge if. Are you willing to take that risk? Willing to gamble your future?
Or, you can do this:

Number 2: Get ready NOW, before the storm hits!
In any emergency, the people who rise victorious are those who have prepared substantially.

And when do they prepare? Do they do so only when the crisis emerges? Of course not…

They start to prepare during peacetime! While everyone else is relaxing and taking it slow, these people are starting to prep for the oncoming onslaught. 

That’s why they succeed. That’s why they win. Just pick any successful investor you can think of from the top of your head. I can assure you that he or she has already prepared… WAY ahead.

Preparation is key. It is the true defence against any economic climate. Any financial disaster. Any global crisis.

Oh, and by the way, just in case you think I’m not being serious about this, take a look at our company’s mission:

“To improve 100,000 Singaporeans’ lives financially via smart Value Investing”
I’m 100% serious about this. That’s why I’m making this offer to you. This plea, from me to you, to let me help you. To let me empower you with the tools to financially secure yourself.

Just as I was equally blessed to have received myself, many years ago.

In my ideal world… I envision a Singapore where our fellow citizens are financially well educated. Where we know how to deal with any financial crisis. Where we know how to secure and sustain our financial future, not just for ourselves…

But for the people we love and cherish.

However, that can only happen on one condition:
If you have the MOTIVATION, DRIVE and DETERMINATION to keep your finances safe and sound.
This is me reaching out to you right now. Hand outstretched, holding the key to your financial success.
It’s real. It’s possible. You may not see it right now… 

But you could very well be making the biggest financial decision of your life right now!

(Not say I say one; just ask any of my students who have successfully created a secondary passive income stream with VIOS!)

All you need to do right now… Is reach out. Take the key. It’s right there waiting for you. Waiting for those who can take the initiative.

Is that you?

You know, if I had to make a guess, I’m willing to bet that you are. If not, you wouldn’t have made it this far. You wouldn’t have read my letter all the way to this point.

That shows something. It shows you care enough about your finances to want to know more. It shows you see the importance of a secondary passive income stream.

It shows me that YOU have the potential to take action. Decisive, powerful, and possibly life-changing action.

So this is it. There’s no reason to wait anymore. Prove me right. Prove US right. Let’s do this together, you and I!

Are you ready? I know I am. So I’ll see you around!
To your future financial prosperity!

Sean Seah
Founder, Master Trainer
Value Investing College Singapore

Click The Button Below To Register Your FREE Seat To My 3-Hour  "Systematic Value Invesing
"Masterclass Now! 
P.S. - of you may not have the time to read my entire letter; that’s fine! So here’s a synopsis:

Essentially, 2017 may just provide a highly unique GOLDEN opportunity for you to create a powerful secondary passive source of income! This comes as good news in the face of the current economic downturn, as we see retrenchment rates rising and employment rates falling…

Want to know exactly WHY 2017 is such a special year? Come down to my FREE Value Investing Methodology 101 workshop! That’s where I’ll explain in extensive detail, as well as how YOU can tap on this information to create YOUR very own secondary passive income stream!

P.P.S If you sign up now, you’ll get a special bonus bundle package (worth $xx) for FREE! It consists of 3 bestselling books I’ve written, one of which even includes Mary Buffett’s foreword!

I want to reward those who make this personal commitment to come down for my workshop, so this is my way of doing so! So don’t miss out on this awesome deal, and register for the workshop now!

P.P.P.S As you’re reading this, seats to our free workshop are filling up super quickly! Right now we have about 8-10 seats left, so if you’re certain you’re one of the few who want to take massive, decisive action for your financial future, better act as soon as possible!
It won’t take long; just click on the button below to register, and you’re good to go!

Value Investing College